Our philosophy is rooted in our sincere desire to provide real help to your homeschooling, setting us apart from the noisy peddling of schools and providers. As an Umbrella School for homeschoolers, we believe that your child is NOT meant to be boxed and should be allowed to explore and grow in all aspects - academically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. We offer valuable knowledge based on Research, Insights, and Collective Experience (RICE) to help you overcome homeschooling obstacles so you and your children can THRIVE!

How do we start this journey together? 

We know that you consistently strive to do your best with the knowledge, resources, and support you have at any moment. Rather than clinging to unhelpful guilt about what you did not know, we encourage you to move ONWARD because it is never too late to nurture a deeper, more meaningful connection with your children.

Reimagine Learning as you are fully assisted as a Parent-Teacher and encouraged to have a solid, loving connection with your child. Equally important, you and your child are guided, coached, and supported while being formally enrolled, ensuring that your child is promoted to the next grade level, just like in a conventional school.

We are Growing Victorious, and we advocate for your child to grow in goodness and greatness as we journey alongside you in your homeschooling.